Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome to your Cultural Diversity Class

Welcome to LS2053 - Your Cultural Diversity Class

Hi Everyone

Welcome to your Cultural Diversity class. In this course we will examine different cultures globally and within the UAE. We will explore the challenges and benefits of diversity as well as consider influences to culture and their impact.

My name is Frankie and I will be teaching you for four hours each week.
My email is frances.sutton@hct.ac.ae 

Please, always put your section in the subject box when you send me an email. (I have five sections.)

My Cultural Diversity Blog is http://frankiesculturaldiversity.blogspot.com/

Please check it before every class.

My mob number is 050 4102405. Please don’t call me unless it is important.

My work station is number 6.

This email will tell you how to keep me happy and get good grades!

 All information about this course can be found at

Course Work

Portfolio (40%)
Mid-Term Exam (15%)
Learning Objectives 1 & 2

Participation (15%)
Reflective Learning Log
Final Assessment (30%)
Final Project

Grade Points
Explanation of Codes
90 – 100
Achievement that is outstanding relative to the course and GPA requirements
85 - 89
80 – 84
Achievement that is significantly above the course and GPA requirements
75 - 79
70 – 74
Achievement that satisfactorily meets the course and GPA requirements
65 – 69
60 – 64
Achievement that minimally meets the course requirements but may not meet the GPA requirement
0 - 59
Achievement that does not meet requirements for course with normal grading mode.
Achievement that meets the course requirements, in courses graded pass/fail, but is not computed in the GPA.
Achievement that does not meet requirement

Classroom Procedures

I give an especially warm welcome to any super geeks in our class. They will become my NBFs (New Best Friend) and help all of you to have a stress-free e-portfolio – the e-portfolio is 20% of your grade.

If you are unsure of any technology - ask the class super geeks – not the teacher! Remember, the teacher is usually a digital immigrant – not a digital native like most of the students!

 Please, please, please!

1.    Always be on time with your laptop charged with a headset. If you forget your headset you will have to buy one at the ADMC shop.

2.   Make sure you empty your email inbox today.  
A full inbox is no excuse for you not getting important information.

2.    Have your iPhone configured so that you receive college emails and have all classmates on BB Messenger and work together as a team. If the super geeks in our class can’t solve your problems then ask IT.

3.    Always read your emails before every class – sometimes I send an email telling you
“Do not come to class today!” Last semester a student drove from al Ain for an 8:00 am Sunday class which had been cancelled – because he did not bother to read his email.

4.   Create your blog before the end of the first class.
o   Use Chrome or Firefox
o   Made sure Blogger is set to English before you create your blog
o   Name your blog with your name and ID Number
o   Upload a recent profile picture
Here are the instructions.Video: Start a Blogger.com Blog  
Transcript: Start a Blogger.com Blog

Hi, I’m Shane Murphy, your technology Guru for About.com. Today we’ll review how to start a Blogger.com blog.

Create a Google Account
Start by heading to Blogger.com and clicking “create a blog.” You’ll now be prompted to create a Google account, which requires all of the fields below to be filled in. If you already have a Google account, click “sign in” to skip this step. Accept their terms of services and click “continue.”

Name Your Blog

Now, fill in your desired blog title and web address, then click “continue.”

Choose Your Blog Template

Now choose between a handful of start templates for your blog. Click the “start blogging” button to be taken straight to the control panel for your blog.

Customize Your Blogger.com Blog

From here you can customize every aspect of your blog to suite your needs. You can post new entries under the posting tab, or re-work the layout under the design tab. In all cases, clicking the orange “save” button will make whatever changes you’ve made live on your blog.

Thanks for watching. To learn more, visit About.com

Please make sure that you have uploaded a recent photograph of yourself and inserted your blog URL onto Frankie’s spreadsheet and checked that it is working before leaving the first class.

Here are some sample blogs from my last classes – not LS1103

 Faisal, an N101 student, has text, photos, PowerPoints and audio recordings on his blog.

5.    Please, scan, or take a photo using your laptop or phone, all handwritten class assignments and upload to your blog/e-portfolio immediately.
6.    Sometimes, after I have corrected your essay, you must make corrections and upload a typed improved assignment.

7.  First assignment for your e-portfolio

 An Introductory Video

What makes you special and what is Emirati culture?

In groups of four:-

ü Record a one-minute-video on your smart phone and upload it to your blog by the end of this class

ü Introduce your selves and say what makes each of you different

ü Talk about at least four aspects of Emirati culture

ü Say why knowing your culture is important

ü Talk about why understanding other cultures is important

ü We will watch them next week – please don’t bore us!

Here is an introductory video about me. (Unfortunately, it is a bit boring.)

Here are some introductory videos made by students in my last class.
Faisal’s   http://faisal-bakheet.posterous.com
Mohammed Hashim’s  http://mohammed-hashim.posterous
Ahmed Manaa’s  http://h00155812.posterous.com

9. I highly recommend using OneNote to keep all your documents organized.

10. Never plagiarize.


Official HCT Policy: Plagiarism is unacceptable. Copying and pasting will result in a mark of 0%. Serious case of plagiarism will result in dismissal from the college.
Projects have to be submitted through Safe Assign. If you plagiarize you get 0%.

11. Never miss an assessment – the only good excuse is if you are dead!!!

12. If you use technology inappropriately in my classroom:-

     ·         You will have to put your device on my desk

·         Then write me an email to get it back.

·         Three emails and you will have to ask the supervisor to get it back!

If you do all these things we will have a relaxed and a successful semester and you should get a very good grade.

I look forward to having a successful and relaxed semester with you.

Good Luck



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